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Tripadvisor feeds

Tripadvisor is a valuable resource for anyone in the retail business with a hotel, cafe or almost anything really where recommendations are key to success and good service. Here’s how to embed your Tripadvisor account into your website so that you can benefit from all of those glowing reviews.

1 Go to this url https://www.tripadvisor.co.uk/Widgets. This is where you type in the name of your business to find the account.

2 Choose form the selection of badges and feeds provided that most suits your needs.

3 Customised as necessary by toggling on and off the various extras.

4 Copy the code and place in your website’s template.

Example feed:

Fivepilchard Team fp_logo_green

Updated Jan 2017

Contact us for more information

Tripadvisor embed - Fivepilchard

Tripadvisor embed

Tripadvisor embed - Fivepilchard

Choose the badge or feed that you would like to embed on your site.

fivepilchard - Copy the code and paste into website.

Copy the code and paste into website.