** page.php **
** content-page.php **

CMS Pages – edit [09]

Pages – edit Instructions

Easy Guide 1 Editing existing content pages

This view is the CMS with a dashboard in black on the left.

1 Select Pages from the dashboard (menu on left)
Or you can navigate to the page using the main site and select the edit page from the top left navigation, this way you know you are in the correct place.

2 This will show you all of the pages on the site. Sub-menu pages have a ‘–‘ prefix and are positioned below the parent section page.

3 Select the page to work on.
The Content area in the middle is where you put the new copy. There are two tabs at the top right of this panel which toggle between a visual view (how it will look) and Text which is an html view.

If you copy anything from Word or similar package you will need to paste it into a text editor first (notepad) to strip out any unwanted formatting, then copy it again and paste it into the page.

4 When you are happy with the page (we will help with fine styling of these pages while you are getting used to the system), click the blue “Update” button on the right to save the content. You can also save as you go along to avoid losing any updates if there are network problems.

5 Return to the website view and check your changes are correct on the page.

Fivepilchard Team fp_logo_green

Updated Jan 2017

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